Monday, August 13, 2007

Well I have gotten a digital camera and figured out hot to post to other on-line sources, so now maybe this will be next.

I spent most of the week-end dealing with the new kitchen floor. It looks nice and will be worth it once its finished, whcih probably is another couple of weeks away. We could have it finished enough for hardwoods to be installed by tomorrow if we tried, so the main pressure is off. Of course, they are at least a week from installing. We haven't ordered yet, and it will need to acclimate for several days before it can be installed. We need to get the kitchen pulled back together so we have room for everything else that will need to be moved. LOTS of fun there.

As a result of all the floor stuff, I haven't done much quilting lately. Hopefully by Wed. I can get some done at least between the time I get home and before Fred gets home. Don't know how much work we will plan on doing in the evening. Depends in part on how hot it gets.

Sent in my request for Memorial Hall concerts for this year. We'll see how things work out this year. I don't know whether she will actually assign concerts or not.

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